Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer At A Glance: How My Life Changed Forever

You know those dreams you have, the ones when you wake up, you think, “Wow, I wish that really happened…” Well, I lived that moment, several times in fact, this summer. Only it wasn’t a dream. I lived it.  So many things happened where I stopped and thought, “I can’t believe this is reality.” It was one of two of the most perfect summers of my life. I say two because last summer was pretty perfect, for a lot of reasons. I found out who I am, I had a lot of fun, and I grew into the person I had always wanted to be. A lot of things were responsible, and a few people. One person especially, because they helped me realize my law dream and push me in the ways that I needed to succeed.  But alas, I have had multitudes of supporters in that department, and I absolutely cannot thank all of you enough. But let’s get back to the heart of the matter, this summer.

On May 11, before summer even began, and exactly one month to the day after receiving an email from Chase Law School stating they had received my application and would be getting back to me in four weeks – I got another email with the subject line “NKU – Congrats!”

I. Freaked. Out

I was at work and received the email on my phone. I was speechless for about all of two seconds. Then I just shouted, “I got in!!!!” to the entire bank lobby.  So my customer in the drive thru, and the customer that Randi was waiting on in the lobby, ended up having bad timing. They had to wait as two seemingly retarded blonde chicks decided to jump up and down and hug frantically in celebration mode. Then it was past time to switch back to reality. “Thank you, have a nice day!”

The first thing I did, obviously, was call my brother. He didn’t seem as thrilled as I’d hoped at the time, but he’s coming around. Slowly. Then I called my parents. They were excited. Then I sent out a mass text to my nearest and dearest friends and family telling them the good news. It was a surreal moment in my life. A day I thought would never come, when I could actually announce with certainty my admission into a school of law.

Before this time, I had given up on it. Well, not entirely, but I thought that it was probably best I did. I knew my LSAT scores weren’t adequate, and I honestly felt that taking the LSAT again would be more than excruciating after my first two attempts. And you can only take it twice in three years. It just didn’t seem like the dream was going to fall into place. So, I started looking for other options. Not that I didn’t love working at the bank, because I did. But it was never going to pay me what I needed to live on, and it was never going to give me the opportunity to move up and be the successful person I had always dreamed of being. Or if it did, I would probably be near retirement.

I applied for a marketing job in Hazard that paid pretty well. I got an interview, thought I had the job, but they sent me a letter a week later telling me they had found a better candidate. Ugh. Sadness. I actually had a degree for that one.

So. I knew I loved kids. I knew I loved being around kids. I had once thought of being a teacher. Why not? I began getting feedback from some important people in my life and their thoughts on the subject, which rendered mixed reviews from all. Everyone knew my real dream and they didn’t want to discourage me but they weren’t going to lie and tell me they thought I would make a bad teacher either. So. I looked into programs. I had always loved LMU – the area, the school, and the feel. They had an 18-month Masters program that would allow me to teach with my music business degree. Again, why not?

One week after I had decided I would try to apply to the program, I got my acceptance into Chase, the school I had really wanted to go to. I knew it was meant to be. At this point, I can really only thank God, my parents, and a small handful of other people who helped me get there.  Mostly God. Here’s why: He made it happen.

I’m drifting away from the task at hand, which is how this summer was life-changing, but there is a point. All my life I’ve heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason.” When I got that acceptance letter, I believed it.

So many things had to come together for me to be able to end up at that place. First, my three-year relationship had to end last year. It was a devastating blow, but it was really for the best. I had to find a way to get back on my feet, pull myself together, and force myself to do some soul searching that I desperately needed. I had to ask myself what I wanted out of life, not what I was willing to settle for. I had to have a conversation that would change my life with someone who would also change my life, which would lead to me taking the LSAT for the first time. I had to fail miserably the first time, enough to really put my heart into it the second time, and get tutoring from the bestest tutor ever, Clarissa Constantine. Then there was the horrid day, in which I took the LSAT the second time, and which if you all read the blog about it then you know that God was in control or I would never have even been admitted to take the test. But I failed miserably again. So, I felt like my dream was gone. It just made me appreciate it that much more when I got in. And realize I had help.

Not only that, but I recently found out that I didn’t get the marketing job in Hazard because I had a faulty background check. They saw some other Jessica Lewis who had a record and wouldn’t hire me. However, if they hadn’t, they would have hired me, and I would never have applied to law school. Everything happens for a reason…

After the LSAT scores the first time were horrible, I was hesitant to apply to any school. I didn’t apply to UK at all. I didn’t want laughed at. I applied to a school in Charlotte, NC, Knoxville, TN, and I waited to apply to Chase.  Randomly, I got an email from the admissions officer at Chase, telling me they were still accepting applications. I emailed her back and explained my situation, that my scores were probably too low, and I was afraid to apply and have a rejection on my record with them in case I retook the LSAT. She sent me a chart breaking down the scores and GPA of the accepted students from the last entering class. She told me to look at the chart, examine the odds, and make a decision.

The chart, following my GPA and LSAT score, showed that four students within my range had applied last year, but only one had been accepted.  I folded it around in my mind for a moment. Looking at it one way, that was a 25% chance. 25% was better than the 0% I expected. I started telling my formal decision maker at work, Amber Barger, all about it. She was always the first person I asked these things if they should happen at work, but her opinion was always summoned at some point. I liked her train of thought. She made concentrated, calculated, and wise decisions. I remember turning to her and saying, “I could be THE ONE!” She agreed to the possibilities and told me I should apply.  Then I started working hard core on my application, and my personal statement.  I was honest, I was open, and every word I spoke, I meant. It was time to convince them why they should take a chance on the backwards girl from Leslie County.  I’d like to think that my personal statement was what got me in, but like the old question of “how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?” well, “the world may never know.”

What does matter, is that I got in. And I wanted to celebrate. So we dive back into summer.

My dear cousin Elizabeth mentioned the idea of a cruise to me while at a family dinner. I had often tumbled the idea of a cruise around in my head, especially with my beloved roommate who had planned to be my cruise partner up until her move to Chicago and engagement happened. Again, why not?

We booked a cruise to the Bahamas.  Bingo!

Four days and four nights on the water, rocking to the rhythm of the waves, or the rain I suppose, if the Judds had been there. Point being, I was going to celebrate law school acceptance, a feat I thought impossible, in style, by doing something I had never done before. I wanted to be adventurous for once. Until the second big email I got, subject line: NKU Chase – KLEO Recipient.


In the words of my dear banjo-picking friend Obadiah Golding, “Wait, what now?”

Upon opening the email I found I was being offered a $5000 scholarship to my school (bada-bing, bada-boom!). Reading further, I saw that to obtain this scholarship I was to spend 12 days on UK’s campus. In a dorm. Showering with other people.


I had never stayed in a dorm. Ever. I missed that whole experience, and I wasn’t really thrilled about getting it this late in the game. But…it’s five grand! The quickest and probably easiest $5000 bucks I’ll ever make. Maybe. Let’s hope not…I am in law school.

I check the dates. It’s sooner than I thought…I would have to leave work a week early. But something else looked funny about the dates….oh…yeah…of course. It would happen right in the middle of my cruise. Well, vice versa I suppose. But still.

Decisions, decisions.

Let’s weigh this option. It costs about 500 bucks to rebook, OR, I can turn down five grand. What was the problem again? So I rebooked my cruise, and prepared for what I thought would be the most horrid 12 days of my life. Boy, was I wrong.

It was the most sleepless 12 days of my life, but certainly not the worst, not even close. Upon arriving, I discovered there were five students from each law school in Kentucky, and a returning mentor who had completed the program a year before. What a diverse group of people I was seeing, but then again, it is a diversity scholarship. Ah, makes sense.

The first person I saw was Professor Allison Connelly, or as we learned to love her later, Professor C. I didn’t know what to make of her at first. I don’t read people well on first impressions usually, so I just watched during our lunch registration and attempted to fill out the other students.  All of a sudden, a girl comes running frantically into the building yelling, “Who’s in charge?! Who’s in charge?!”

Professor C runs to her in a state of a semi-calm panic mode, and announces that she, in fact, is the leader of this here outfit. She, like the rest of us, probably thought a murder had just occurred, or a drive by, maybe even a shanking. It was hard to tell with the level of emotion this person had expressed.  Turns out, she was just afraid of being towed. Introducing Scarlett Steuart, UK law student. We all found it funny, and we still redneck her over it. Who wouldn’t?

Now to tell you the occurrences in their entirety would take 12 days to write, and to read. We did a lot, so I will attempt to give you the ‘meat and taters,’ if you will. For 12 days, we were in law school. We had class from 9 to 5. Somewhere in there we ate; Professor C did feed us good. We never went hungry. Especially Jeremy Fugate, also known as the human garbage disposal.  I froze to death, so bad I had to bring a blanket at least once, but a jacket I required daily.  At night, we went to eat with our specific class group, anywhere we wanted. So believe that I ate GOOD for 12 days. So good that I would attempt to take the 10 flights of stairs to my dorm at least once a day in attempt to burn a few stray calories. Gee, that was fun. Not.

But what was fun was the dorm life. I really thought I would hate it, and I’ll be honest, still not crazy about the shower thing, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I didn’t mind it. I found a roommate indirectly. We had our own room, but just like Carl and Frank, the boy, in Sling Blade, Laken Gilbert, another UK law student, well we made friends right off the bat. Despite the fact that she was on one end of the political spectrum, doing diligent work with the Democratic Party, and I as a proud eastern Kentuckian am on the other end.  She moved into my room after a couple days and we were seldom to be separated after. I always like telling this story. Laken had me at “No, you will see my meth lab!”

The story behind that is we were in our rooms one morning sitting on Facebook. I messaged her to see if I could come down and hang with her. Her response, “No, you will see my meth lab!” Now, while some people wouldn’t find this funny, I thought it was hilarious. She had my sense of humor, and we understood each other. We made a good team. And I miss her. *Sad face*. I miss them all. Some days, I really wish there was a KLEO School of Law. But, I digress.

Anyway, back to the point.  Those 12 days were tough at times, but they still rocked. We had real class, real finals, real professors – it was a boot camp. It taught us some of the most important things we could ever hope to learn about law school, and gave us a HUGE jump on the “dead weight” as our bewildering, yet always entertaining, Professor Bucknam would say.  Professor Douglas was intimidating, but really quite humorous in his own right, especially after the program had ended we had some good conversation. Those professors made me wish for a time I was going to UK. I loved Professor Price, she was one of the coolest people professors I had ever met – funny, nice, and super smart. Her and Professor C made a good team.  Also during this time, we did cool things too, like eating lunch with the Supreme Court of Kentucky, eating lunch with the Dean of our schools, meeting some past KLEO participants, and other important figures, not to mention shadowing a judge or attorney for a day. That day was really fun. I almost saw a fist fight in motion hour.  Professor C really took care of us. So now I will talk about her.

Professor C is one of the most influential people I have ever met. As I was told, she has basically never charged a dime to any client. She runs the legal clinic at UK and does all pro-bono. She’s, in other words. She has ran the KLEO program for 10 years. She has been helping students get their legal education for many years as a professor. She is an exceptional teacher and friend. This woman believed in us, before she even met us. She wanted us to succeed, and she felt in her heart of hearts that we would. She pushed us, she challenged us, she laughed with us, cried with us, and she loved us. I will never forget these words, “From this day forward, you’re mine, ALL of you.” And as fellow KLEO member Laura Myers stated, we all feel like that goes both ways. She is our rock, our safe place, and our light at the end of the tunnel when the days get too rough. We think about her and all she has vested in us, and we move forward like there is no other choice, because there isn’t. We won’t quit, ever, because of her. She believes in our success, and she will be there to share it with us in every way. We love you Professor C, and we miss you terribly!

 She had a banquet for us at the end of the program where we were awarded certificates as completion of the program. Us Chase people found out that our school was the only one renewing the scholarship so we will end up getting $15,000. That was great news. But most of all we learned valuable skills that we will always hold with us. I met friends that I will keep forever, I crossed boundaries that most people in my hometown wouldn’t dare cross or ever have the chance to, making friends with people from different walks of life, from countries as far as Serbia, or counties as close as Harlan. Amanda Birman and I hit it off too; she understood the words “Cumberland Gap water” and “Don’s Supersaver cakes” and how precious those words were to the folks back home. We threw her a surprise birthday party since she didn’t get to be home with her family. It was a sad day packing up and moving out to come back home. However, it was a memorable experience, one of the best in my life, and one I will hold dear for years and years to come. We will always be a family.      

I will list the names of my KLEO peeps here, because I don’t want to leave anyone out. We lived together, learned together, and loved together. We are a family. Always.

UK Students:

Chelsea Granville
Laken Gilbert
Carl Williams
Scarlett Steuart
Laura Myers
James “Tee” Pennington (Mentor)

U of L Students:

Sana Abhari
Chris Jenkins
Amanda Birman
Grace Chambers
Mijlia Zgonanine
Aaron Marcus (Mentor)

Chase Students:

Jessica Lewis (Me, duh.)
Lindsay Oakes
Jeremy Fugate
Danny Ackeret
Michele Nguyen
BreAnna Morgan (Mentor)

There is something special to be said about each of these people. They are all great and I am proud to have been a part of the same program with them all. I wish the best of luck to them all as well.

Now, let’s get this show on the road.

After returning from my scholarship program, I only had a few days before the cruise. My mom and dad decided to let me fly to Miami, where we would be porting from, as opposed to driving, which would have been really dumb. Kentucky to Miami….like 17 hours…. yeah, no.

We flew out of Lexington, and I thought I was going to be really nervous. But no. I wasn’t.  Not at all. I just sat there. We took off.  We landed. We waited. We took off again.  We landed again. Boom. Four hours later, we’re in Miami. It really beat 17 hours let me tell you. And I Ioved it! I absolutely loved it!! I honestly can’t wait to fly again. So we get to Miami, grab a hotel close to the port, and chill for a while. That night, we walked across the street to this place called Bayside where they had an outdoor type mall, lots of food, a stage next to the water where the dock was, and we had a blast. Dancing on the pier, eating ice cream, watching the boats roll in and out, it was great. The next morning we left for the boat.

It. Was. Amazing.

I loved every second of that cruise. I treasured it all, day by day, every minute.   We ate on the top deck watching the water, we lay by the pool, we watched comedy shows, we danced into the night, I learned the John Travolta, and we slept very little. On the beach days, we did crazy but fun things. We took a banana boat ride where we thought we were going to die a couple times. Flying through the ocean jumping off the waves because the boat pulling you is doing 90 mph isn’t as much fun as you’d think. We bought souvenirs. I snorkeled and swam in the ocean, not to mention seeing the ocean for the first time. I fell in love with it, too. Sometimes I would go stand on the top deck and just stare out at the water. It was the most relaxing, calming, crystal clear thinking I had ever done. If you’ve never been, you have to go, at least once.  It was definitely an amazing experience. I had so much fun, and I survived. We got back to Miami, spent a day on the beach, shopped around, and flew back the next morning.

This was my favorite picture from the cruise. It’s my favorite picture of me I’ve ever taken. If I could go back to that moment daily, it would be fabulous. There are some moments that you wish could be frozen in time. This is one of mine. I will always cherish that moment, the way I felt, the thoughts surrounding my mind, and the view as I stared out into the open water at sunset. The most gorgeous view I’ve ever seen.  

After returning from vacation I spent the next week packing, moving, and making rounds either seeing or talking in some way to the people most important in my life and explaining to them the decision I had made – where it would take me, and how I may be absent from their lives for a while, but asking them to keep me present in their thoughts. I know I’m not leaving forever, but I am going to be gone a while. I’ll get to come home and visit, like I did this weekend, but not that often. Something I have found hard to deal with.

I have just completed my second week as a law student – one week of orientation, and one true week of classes. The first day was pretty rough. When I got home, after taking a break from unpacking, it finally hit me; I was gone, I was alone, and there was no turning back. I cried for about 45 minutes, but then I was OK. I have adjusted well I think, and I really do like it. I like the learning, and although the Socratic method makes some people’s heads hurt, I kind of like it. It gives me a rush.  I like being prepared for it. The work is a lot but nothing I can’t handle. I’m pretty ambitious, I’m pretty tough, and I’m very determined. I’m from the foothills of Eastern Kentucky, I’ve already run into political disagreements that didn’t turn out well, but I can’t be expected to stand idly by and listen to people badmouth the coal industry that is currently helping pay for my education, and so much more in my hometown. Everyone has the right to their opinion but I can’t be expected to cave in when someone who knows nothing of the topic and has never lived here or seen it first hand is challenging the livelihood of my friends and family to me. So, know that you are being well defended in the north my friends. I indeed have your back.

To end this little chronicle, I conclude that this has been a perfect, life-changing summer. I am living out my dream, finally, after all these years. I was able to do things that I thought I would never do, and I have finally made it to where I need to be. It’s been a slow struggle. Next month, I will turn 25, not where I had imagined myself up to this point, but I am so thankful to be here. I am so grateful to have walked the road I did, and ended up in this very spot of my journey. Again, everything happens for a reason. I don’t look like every other law student. I certainly don’t act like every other law student. Nonetheless, that’s what I am.

I miss my job at the bank. I miss my co-workers and friends, my family, and my routine. But this is something I had to do. I had to go after that dream, I know now I would never have been satisfied had I not. The very moment I got that acceptance email, I realized how bad I had wanted it. The moment I set foot in Professor C’s Criminal Law class at KLEO, I knew how much I was going to love it. I love a good challenge, and it looks like I’ve finally met my match.

On another note, let me just say from the bottom of my heart to all who reads, thank you. I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of support I have received from my community, my family, and my friends. It has meant so much to have you all backing me, encouraging me, and putting the faith in me that you have. Everyday I receive countless Facebook messages, comments and likes, text messages, and indirect comments delivered to me by others like my parents from people who send me their well wishes and love. Never in my life did I expect to be a part of so many lives, and I am humbled by the respect, love, and faith that you have bestowed upon me. I promise that I will not let you down, in any right. I will make Leslie County proud. 

This may be my last blog for a while as I am embarking on one long, hard, but rewarding journey. Please do continue to keep in contact. I love hearing from everyone and it makes the days when I feel so far from home a little easier.

This morning I was so excited to be back in church. Keith always seems to know when I need to hear something, and this morning part of his sermon was about ‘givin’ it all you got.’ Church and the family I have there has really helped this to all come together for me, too, and it’s hard not being able to make it every Sunday anymore. Faith is something that we all should have, but some of us do not nearly have enough.  Between my support system throughout this county and the church, I have so much more faith than I used to. God really can do so much; I am living proof.

Now off to my other favorite part of coming home on a Sunday – Lewis family dinner.

God bless and love to all,


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