Thursday, November 28, 2019

I Don't Know Who Needs to Hear This, But...

It’s Time to Heal. It’s Just Time.

I have a message to deliver to whoever needs to hear it – it’s time for you to heal. It’s just time. Start now, right this minute. Don’t wait until tomorrow, tomorrow isn’t promised.

Today is Thanksgiving. We all have something to be grateful for. But we often let that be overshadowed by the bad in our lives and the struggles we are going through. But today, I ask you, be thankful for healing and let it happen.

As a community, as friends, as neighbors, and just as humans, we have faced a lot lately. We have mourned the deaths of so many close to us that we thought we’d have more time with. For some of us, our demons are a bit less temporary than a one bad day. For some of us, our families are addicts; our spouses or significant others or the people we thought we would love forever have abandoned us; our parents are sick or dying; our friends are struggling, and all we can do is watch. But to all of us I say this – someone else is struggling more than you. Someone else is facing challenges worse than yours. Someone else is wondering how they will survive tomorrow. Someone, somewhere, may not make it through the night.

As some of you know, I went through a rough time not long ago.  I lost people close to me. Some expected, which still had no bearing on how easy it was to give them up, and one unexpected. But not only was I mourning the loss of important people, I was mourning the loss of myself. I had become so buried in my job, family and friend obligations, my own personal demons and fear of failing, relationships that were not serving me well, and parts of life in general that were not making sense to me, that I became a shell of who I used to be. And I could feel myself slipping into this world of disappointment and depression, of anger and resentment, and so many other emotions that are not at all reflective of whom I am as a person. There were days I did not care about my life, or what happened to it. And that is not at all who I am. It has taken weeks to get back to who I was and am. To see the big picture. To repair the damage. To fix what was broken inside me. I’m not completely 100% yet, either, but I’m so much closer. I’m taking steps to better myself all the way around and you can, too. But you have to start. You have to be brave and start the process and make tough decisions and let God lead the way.

And, so, here is my inspirational speech of the day.

#1.) Don’t give up. On anything, that is important to you, but mainly, on yourself. Do not quit on yourself, because everyone else most likely will. Maybe not everyone, but the people you don’t want to give up on you, generally will.

It doesn’t matter if you were there for them. It doesn’t matter how much you love them. It doesn’t matter what you think should happen. It doesn’t matter what great reasons you have to ask them not to give up on you, they will anyway. Because, it’s what people do. They leave. When they feel like things are getting too hard, or more effort is needed, they leave. They make excuses. They leave you behind. And you have to find a way to move on. Because, you owe it to yourself. Because you’ve spent years learning your worth, and you are worth more than the people who make you feel like you are hard to love or asking for too much.

#2.) Don’t let your circumstances define you. You are not what has broken you. You are not your bad decisions. You are not your mistakes. You are not the choices of other people.  

You cannot live with guilt or continue to punish yourself because of one bad decision or one mistake. You cannot beat yourself up over something that won’t matter in 5 years or even 5 days. Let it go. Let the situation just be what it is and move on. You cannot allow temporary situations to leave you with permanent consequences. You cannot accept that this will be your life forever. You cannot allow the sadness and bitterness taking over your days to remain for an extended period of time. You may feel stuck. You may feel lost. You may feel like your life will never make sense. You may feel like you will never be happy. Those are all negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will never lead you to a positive life. Negative people will never show you positive outlooks. You have to look past the negative.  Always look for the positive.

#3.) Nothing is Permanent. The storm won’t last forever. It can’t last forever. Be strong like waves and ride it out. This too, shall pass.

Every storm runs out of rain. Nothing lasts forever. There is light at the end of the tunnel and your bad days are only temporary. Take deep breaths. Smile more. Find new ways to pass the time. Do things that make you happy. Don’t wait to be happy later. Be happy now. Find your passion. Find your purpose. Find the things that make your face light up with excitement and do more of them. Happiness makes the time pass faster.

#4.) Let yourself grieve. For the loved ones you lost. For the living people who left you. For anyone or anything that you lost. For any bad thing that happened to you. Give yourself the time to say goodbye.

It’s been a tough year. I’ve lost quite a few people myself. Death is a part of life. It doesn’t mean it hurts less. It doesn’t mean you forget them. It doesn’t mean that you will ever be the same. You probably won’t be. But don’t let a broken heart or a grieving heart stay too long. You still have life to live. The people who passed on that were a huge part of your life that you loved would not want you to give up. They would not want you to spend the rest of your life in mourning. They would want you to laugh. Carry their memory and move on, smiling and laughing and being happy. And the living ones who left you behind, they don’t matter. They don’t care. Maybe they never did. Don’t let those people dictate the rest of your life. Be yourself and keep going. The right people will come and stay. It’s ok to grieve. It’s not ok to dwell on the bad and let it bring you down continuously.  

#5.) Find the YAY in every day. Look for the positive. See the good. Ignore the bad.

Look for the things that make your day great, Maybe someone held the door open for you. Maybe someone let you out in front of them on the highway. Maybe you got to see somebody you hadn’t seen in a while. Maybe you heard some good music. Maybe you found something you’d been looking for. Maybe your dog did something cute. Maybe you made a new friend. Maybe you got to eat your favorite meal. Maybe you went to the gym for the first time in your life and had an amazing workout and found a new passion. Look for little things. Look for anything that made you smile. Look for something that made the day just a little more bearable. Focus on the good, and only the good.

#6.)  Let toxic people go. Let go of the people who drag you down. Let go of the people who threaten your peace and happiness. Just. Let. Go.

It is not your responsibility to fix everyone and everything. The people you care about, the people who are in your life and need you, the people that care about you, and who are there when you need them, its ok to help them. It’s ok to love them and be there and pick them up when they fall down. But the people who use you, who threaten your peace, who make you feel bad for doing what is best for you and what makes you happy, they don’t need you and you certainly don’t need them. You only have room in your life (and your head) for the people who are happy for your happiness and do not make you feel guilty for living your life. And don’t get me wrong, you should be helping others. You should be doing little things to make people happy and brighten their day and bring more good to the world. But don’t let people who want to drain you have a seat at your table. They don’t belong there.

#7.) Be the good. Be the light. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

It only takes one kind act to make someone’s day. It only takes one smile or one gesture to bring a smile to someone’s face and change their whole attitude for the day. Be that person who does nice things. Be the person who pays for the person’s meal. Be that person who offers assistance. Be the person who makes it a point to have a good day and spread good vibes. Compliment a stranger. Thank someone for something. Show compassion. Show appreciation. It really costs nothing to be kind and make someone’s day.

Just. Be. Kind.

#8.) Be selfish sometimes. Put yourself first. Don’t let a bad day or a bad hour ruin a good life.

It’s ok to not text back. It’s ok to not talk. It’s ok to take a break. It’s ok to do what’s best for you. You’re the only one who knows what’s best for you. You’re the only person who can change your life. Sometimes that might require a hard decision. Sometimes you might make decisions no one understands but you. Sometimes you have to break your own heart. But you are the master of your fate (with God’s help, of course). You just have to be who you want. Be the person that makes you happy. Be selfish in getting to that person because nobody can do it for you. Take control of your life and turn it into the life you’ve always imagined.

#9.) Pray about Everything. Everything. No matter what.

No matter how many people believe otherwise, God is in control. He is in control of your life and He has His own timing. As hard as it is to accept and wonder about some days. We are always in a hurry. This fast paced world has changed our outlook to a world of convenience and necessary speed. We leave too late but we make it up on the road. We don’t like waiting for food at a restaurant or in line for coffee. We try too hard to speed up everything in life. I am guilty myself. But everything comes in the perfect time. We all need to slow down and enjoy the present. The future will be here soon enough. Like as a child, all we wanted were to be adults. Sometimes, we reminisce about how simple life was as a child and long for that simplicity again. Just enjoy where you are now. Everything will come at the right time.

#10.) YOU ARE ENOUGH. Know your worth.

This is huge. HUGE. Do not let the actions of others destroy your self-esteem and your self worth. Know your worth and never let anyone take that away from you. We all traveled roads to get to where we are now. We all made choices and led ourselves to this moment. We all fought battles. We all had hard times. But don’t let people who think less of themselves or who are jealous of your accomplishments make you feel like you are less of a person. You can be as good as gold and still not be good enough for the wrong people. The right people will appreciate you. The right people will come in your life and stay. They won’t abandon you. They won’t make you feel like you’ve failed or like you aren’t enough or like you are too much. You will always be enough for the right people in your life. ALWAYS. The people who took you for granted will have to deal with those repercussions.

NOW. Take a minute and breathe. And look for the happy in your life. Look for the good. Look for the accomplishments. Look for the positives about you.  

For me, I have a sleeping, dreaming puppy next to me. I have one outside guarding my house. I have my own house, in a nice neighborhood with great neighbors. I have a nice vehicle. I have a good job. I have amazing friends. I have a wonderful family. I have a wonderful work family. I have a big heart who only wants the best for others. Today I will celebrate with friends who have become family and family, too. I cooked Friendsgiving dinner for my friends this past weekend, because they are who have gotten me through this year and who care about me and who keep me on my feet. Be thankful for those people. Work friends, too. Be thankful for anyone who has gotten you through a bad moment and left you with a smile. And now, start paying it forward. Start living again. Start being kind to yourself. Start giving yourself credit. Stop feeling like less of a person because of the struggles you are going through. Work through those struggles. You would be surprised at the amount of strength you have hidden within you. As Dean Winchester said on Supernatural a few weeks ago, “we owe it to anybody who has ever given a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what.” We do. We owe it to them. To the people who have helped us get here. To the people who have genuinely cared and loved us. More importantly, we owe it to ourselves.

Today is a day to be thankful. Start today, being thankful for what you have and grateful for every day, and take this day as a start to healing. Today is the perfect day. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life, and I am so thankful for healing. Let today be the day that begins the rest of your life and let the blessings overflow.

It’s time to heal, y’all. May we all heal from the silent battles we are fighting with ourselves, and the ones in the open.